ProNature Beauty
Dimethicone sensory alternatives by scientific modelling
Certain Cyclosiloxanes (“D4”, “D5” and “D6”) are already or will be fully regulated in the near future not only in rinse-off, but also leave-on cosmetics in EU due to their environmental effects caused by non-biodegradability (“persistence”), toxicity, very high mobility and a very high bioaccumulation potential. Additionally, a total global ban of these Cyclosiloxanes under the Stockholm Convention (POP regulation) is intended by EU.
This will trigger a broad range of reformulations on a global level, preferably with bio-based and biodegradable emollients. BASF, as the market leader in silicone alternatives, has taken the initiative to investigate potential alternatives to dimethicones, which are currently not regulated under pressure but may face future challenges. Based on this, we aim to be at the forefront and set ambitious goals for delivering innovative silicone alternatives to various silicones.
The silicone free claim is growing while dimethicones use is decreasing.-
Source: Mintel
Dimethicones, another silicone variant, are widely used in personal care. Mostly, they are used as a skin sensory and defoaming agent in skincare. However, their presence in cosmetics is increasingly receiving criticism for being synthetic and not suitable for natural or clean beauty cosmetics. It would be imprudent to replace non-biodegradable cyclosiloxanes with non-biodegradable dimethicones to avoid upcoming EU regulatory issues.
Reformulation accelerated by digital services
Given Dimethicones, being polymers with varying chain lengths and properties, their 1:1 substitutions by renewable carbon-based alternatives pose a challenge to formulators. Our approach incorporates a digital service based on scientific data, Emollient Maestro, which allows formulators to start off smartly with anticipated best matching solutions.
Emollient Maestro
Our digital service launched in 2022, provides renewable-based and biodegradable solutions to replace synthetic emollients. This aims to improve efficiency and decision making for formulators who need to find right sustainable alternatives to synthetic market benchmarks including Dimethicones.
Emollient Maestro is part of our D'lite service platform: A digital and agile experience that helps you from the idea generation to product design.
Subscribe nowFurthermore, our formulation expertise aids in enhancing the silicone properties of natural cosmetics formulations by reducing white residue. Our holistic approach not only emphasizes sustainability improvements but also ensures silicone-like performance.
Day Care Face Cream
Digital enabled natural cosmetic formulation, replacing dimethicones with renewable-based emollients.
Day Care Face Cream:
Sustainable alternatives to dimethicones suggested by Emollient Maestro
Emollient Maestro solutions replace various dimethicones without sensory compromise and offer sustainable alternatives to silicone emollients, supported by our powerful portfolio of ingredients:
Let us go one step further
ProNature Beauty’s multifaceted solutions offer customers a variety of options when it comes to replacing various dimethicones. This concept, which involves digital services, alternative emollients, and formulation expertise, also serves as a source of inspiration for new natural cosmetics designs and is part of our holistic “Re_think” approach.
The beauty industry rethinks value propositions of cosmetics and takes bold steps ahead of time: Formulating out Dimethicones. This is driven by not only meeting requirements of retailers and evolving natural cosmetics labels, but also by motivation of sustainable innovations.
Re_think is our commitment to the personal care market now and in the future.