Skin - simply feel good

The skin

Healthy color, as flawless as possible, without wrinkles - beautiful skin is desirable for many people. It is ingeniously constructed through evolution. The skin: The largest organ in our body and the organ in direct contact with our surrounding environment.

Babies' skin: As much as needed, as little as possible

Adults have a deep-seated instinct that makes them want to care for and protect babies and children. Even though your little one’s skin is still delicate and sensitive, there's no need to panic immediately about minor changes in the skin in the first few weeks after birth. In many cases, the skin is just learning. There are a wealth of skin care products available.

Interesting facts about skin

Everything here revolves around the right care for your skin. In this article, we'd like to give you a few interesting facts: things that you don't necessarily need to know, but which may still surprise you or leave an impression. They might just prove useful the next time you play Trivial Pursuit.